
"hubris came to be defined as overweening presumption that leads a person to disregard the divinely fixed limits on human action in an ordered cosmos."


hey everybody, welcome to my project page! I've got pages for various projects I'm working on that are rather. Ambitious.

I have a chronic problem with overscoping. starting a really ambitious fanfiction I never finish is standard hyperfixation stuff for me at this point. however! I would like to get things done at some point! so, I've made this section of my site to encourage myself.

each page contains a summary, some of my work so far, and a progress tracker. at the bottom of this index, I'll put a guestbook to leave comments in! everyone knows artists and writers are powered by comments, so it might help give me the boost I need to make progress on these.

I hope one day to be able to say that I've completed at least 1 big project like this. so far, the closest I've gotten is completing nanowrimo that one year.

project list: